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Apply for Funding

Apply for Funding

The Livewell Foundation operates two forms of grant giving:

1. For internal applicants from Livewell Southwest

The Livewell Foundation's funds are used to support services and to fund equipment, staff training and staff and patients' amenities which are over and above those that would be funded by the NHS.  This funding is made possible thanks to wonderful donors who often make a donation, fundraise or leave a legacy in gratitude for the care that they or a loved one received.  

2. For external applicants from charities and third sector organisations

Each year, the Livewell Foundation has £100,000 worth of funding to gift to local charities and third sector organisations who can demonstrate that their organisation and project is in line with the Foundation's aims.  £20,000 is allocated to small grants of up to £1,000 and £80,000 is allocated to large grants of up to £10,000.  We are now closed for large applications but anticipate opening again in the Autumn.  We are only currently accepting small grant applications and will continue to do so throughout the year.

If you have any queries regarding the application process, please email and we will endeavour to respond within 5 working days.